Very touching and beautifully expressed. I recognized myself (intimately so) in a lot of what you wrote. It is enriching and helpful. Thank you very much 🙏

PS. And it really points to (if we care to look) how the brain turns everything into a goal, an assignment to avhieve, even relaxation or being here or mindfulness etc, absolutely everything can be turned into a concept/object and then a goal and then a time-based plan on how ro achieve that goal (inuding the future goal of reaching in the future a state of presence/no-time)

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Oh Chloe, can you get out of my head please? 😅 I love your ponderings. From the MANY books I got to read as part of my course, there are a few distinctions I’d like to offer on this theme. For starters, I learnt we’ve abused the notion of discipline in our Western capitalist culture. It is used to make us submissive to the productivity and output focussed grind, and no wonder why we don’t like the feeling of it! In the book ‘Shambhala - the sacred path of the warrior’, Chögyam Trungpa writes that “Discipline under the Shambhala tradition is how to become thoroughly gentle and genuine”. Discipline here comes from a place of purpose-led dedication to something greater than ourselves. I really love how this distinction changes the quality of discipline, and how that might connect to your to do list. For me there is also opportunity to appreciate the need for letting the pulsating energy that we’re all hardwired to exist in to come to the fore. I learned about it in “Getting our bodies back” by Christine Caldwell. We can be super focused, intensely dedicated to making our contribution to those around us from that place of discipline, and then allow for the energy to flow more slowly in between - just like our breath, like the waves.

And finally, fellow follower Emily introduced me to this podcast episode where Martha and Rowan explore productivity from an oxytocin/flow state rather than from cortisol - https://open.spotify.com/episode/4mST6WYk5xrRRdDPws5XtI?si=IJFXU5MiQHi7yiT7M-ftow

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Thank you for these recommendations (i know it was directed to Chloe, but i hope you don't mind that i read them too) Regarfing the podcast you recommended in the last sentence, do you happen to know if it is available to be heard somewhere else? I'm very interested in the subject but try to avoid Silicon Valley billionaore's BigTech corporate censorship platforms (like spotify).

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That’s an interesting point you raise - I hadn’t considered that. I have just had a look on Martha Beck’s website and have actually found it!


Hope this works for you. The other episodes in her podcast series are all excellent too.

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Lovely. Thank you very much 🙏

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