Hello, I’m Chloe, a yoga teacher, postnatal doula, writer and group facilitator.

Being and Moving is where I write about bodies, health and wellbeing and nature and the seasons. I use writing in a very selfish way - to work out what I think and feel and what feels important. But hopefully it’s enlightening, entertaining and useful for you along the way.

The Wheel is my offering for paid subscribers, made up of online circles and exclusive content to support your journey through the Celtic Wheel of the Year. You can find out all about The Wheel in this post.

A bit more about me: I’m in my early 40s and I live in south east London with my husband, two children and needy cat, Minnie. Here is the cat sleeping in the wardrobe, for you cat people:

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Writing about moving and being our bodies, health and wellbeing, connection and paying attention.


Writer, postnatal doula, yoga teacher